Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where's the Manual?

Sometimes it's frustrating. I keep getting signs about what I am supposed to do next but there's one thing...."they" keep forgetting to tell me how to accomplish it! So who is the proverbial "they?" My team of posse so-to-speak. Is it rude to ask the spiritual world to be just a little more clear? I mean seriously....I am only human. They can't expect me or anyone else to be able to understand clues like them, right???

There should be a manual....How to Read Your Guides, and Other Celestial Beings. At first, getting signs is kind of new and exciting. Let's play Figure Out the Sign game.I have spent many a lunch hour debating the meaning of signs with my friend, only to be more confused when I was done. I always have heard from my mentors that when "they" are trying to tell you something, "they" are relentless until they get your attention! Well, I believe it. Now "they" have my be more specific.

It's almost like I'm spiritually stupid or something....reallly? publisher even called....duh...write your book already. But honestly, which one? I'm in the middle of 2...fiction and non-fiction. I have a feeling...not a sign...that it is the non-fiction that I am supposed to finish first. But being the whiny human that I am, the fiction is soooo much more fun. But here we go, I keep hearing...."Now Angie, you know that is true, but how many people can you help with your non-fiction book vs. your fiction book?"

So now I'm getting guilt trips from the other side plus they've gone and given me an idea for the follow-up book. No one said this work would be easy. No one said all the answers would be supplied to me even though I am listening! And I guess all the answers all being supplied, I just have to figure out the "HOW" part.

I'm sure everyone who communicates with the spirit realm has gone through this, but I'm to the point now where I'm tired and don't want to figure it out for myself! So now I've realized I am whiny and lazy and need to finish my books. Maybe that is why I felt such the urge to write this blog this morning. Maybe that is why all the animals are leaving me alone with my coffee this morning. I have been given the time to think and figure out the signs. Wow...5 paragraphs later and I figured it out. Maybe this will be my manual.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New iPad app

I would like to think of myself as technologically saavy. Ok, I am very technologically saavy. But to say that I rely on technology for everything is not correct. My daughter told me about a iPad app that she had seen called Ghost Radar. So for .99, I downloaded it, expecting it to be a game app or something.

As it warms up, I read all about the app and the FAQs. All of a sudden, it starts spitting out random words. Ok, I shouldn't say random words...they were words describing what my daughter and I were doing at the time. A little freaky to say the least! I immediately text my fellow ESPSer and tell her about this app and that she HAD to download it. It was late and she really wasn't in the frame of mind to tackle it at that time but told me she'd look into it the next day.

I had taken off work the following day because we were having work done on our heat pump. So I did not have to get up and moving as early as usual. I drank an extra cup of coffee and played with the dogs....very relaxing. After my daughter went to school, I went up to take a shower. Against my better judgment, I decided to turn on the Ghost Radar while I was in the shower. I figured I'd see what was in my room, which has a lot of energy, while I was preoccupied. It initially spit some words out describing the room...piano (which I have in my room)...listen...pets (which were all there)...etc. So I chuckled and went to take a shower.

I was anxious to see what, if anything, I captured. So with towel wrapped around me, I went and peeked at the iPad. I had captured the word June. That is my deceased grandmother's middle name so I was really getting excited about maybe getting some kind of message. So I immediately texted my friend again and told her she HAD to download the app NOW. As I was texting it I ran in and started getting dressed. I was only partially dressed when she texted me back so I ran in to check my message. As I was texting her back, the iPad said....faster...I laughed and went in to finish getting dressed. My friend answered my text so I went to check it again...only getting as far as a pair of jeans on and it says...more...

By this time I was cracking up. I was being told what to do by an entity that obviously did not like to see me undressed! I carried the iPad around with me during the day and went about my daily business. I did everything I usually do except when I felt a presence around me I found myself looking at the screen of the iPad. Sure enough, within seconds of me feeling a presence, a little colored light would show up on the radar screen. Sometimes it spoke and sometimes it didn't.

This app is supposed to work under the same idea as an EMF or K2 meter. It is interesting how the words that are formulated coincide with things that are happening in the room or about to happen. Many other things