Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Current Investigaitons

Investigation #1
On October 14, 2009 we investigated the McCarthy house in Centreville. You may know the house if you live in Centreville - it's the "haunted house." No, literally, it is totally decorated to the nines for Halloween. The house was built in 1800. Allegedly, the spirit of the old caretaker still roams the house. Also, his daughter, Helen, is supposed to run the steps to the 3rd floor bedrooms.
The picture above is the front of the house. This picture was taken by a professional photographer. Notice the white misty "thing" in front of the door. This was the only picture of the group like this. Interesting. Our crew definitely all had some unusual experiences while we were there. It was a little confusing because we were taping a show for the local cable station but nonetheless, we all felt something. We were able to get a couple of pictures with orbs in them and our video camera kept going in and out of focus. There were plenty of orbs on the quad-cam as well. I guess the best piece of evidence was the EVP we got in one of the bedrooms with the video camera. You can hear us downstairs giving a camera tour and when you hear us say we are going up to the 3rd floor bedrooms, you hear a female voice. We have listened and listened to it and we cannot make out what it is saying.

Investigation #2
On October 24th we went back to our trusty historic building in Centreville where we always pick up some things. The only thing we got this time was 2 EVPs that, for the life of me, I cannot figure out what they are saying. They are posted on our website under EVPs. The website is

So, if you have a haunted establishment or know someone who does, let us know. We are starting to collect research for a book on the haunted places on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My goal in the near future is to do an investigation at the Kent Manor Inn! How cool would that be??

Until next time...Happy Haunting!


  1. Wow! I listened to the EVP's and the second one sounds like it says "don't come up".

  2. Kind of Creepy, isn't it? I can honestly say, I think we have some pretty awesome EVPs - I would consider that our "specialty." Why? Because we don't adjust them, slow them down, or anything else. What you hear is our raw footage!
