On October 14, 2009 we investigated the McCarthy house in Centreville. You may know the house if you live in Centreville - it's the "haunted house." No, literally, it is totally decorated to the nines for Halloween. The house was built in 1800. Allegedly, the spirit of the old caretaker still roams the house. Also, his daughter, Helen, is supposed to run the steps to the 3rd floor bedrooms.

Investigation #2
On October 24th we went back to our trusty historic building in Centreville where we always pick up some things. The only thing we got this time was 2 EVPs that, for the life of me, I cannot figure out what they are saying. They are posted on our website under EVPs. The website is http://www.easternshoreghosts.com.
So, if you have a haunted establishment or know someone who does, let us know. We are starting to collect research for a book on the haunted places on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My goal in the near future is to do an investigation at the Kent Manor Inn! How cool would that be??
Until next time...Happy Haunting!